About us

Our philosophy: high quality teaching has never been so accessible!

Language proficiency is essential to compete in today’s global marketplace. Many schools take advantage of this need by charging crazy fees for average instruction. At language plus, we believe that quality language education should be affordable to all.

Our mission: getting you ready for ASEAN

With ASEAN approaching faster and faster, our goal is to get as many Thai people ready to compete with the flow of English speakers that will submerge Thailand in 2 years. We also introduce you to a third language, for you to develop your learning skills as well as increasing your working scope.

Our facilities: everybody envies our student’s lounge!

Located in the heart of Pattaya, our school boasts 3 levels and 4 classrooms decorated nicely, but also a student lounge where one can come study, relax or watch international tv channels, or read some magazines in English.